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I bought "The Algebrator" for my daughter to help her with her 10th Grade Advanced Algebra class. Like most kids, she was getting impatient with the evolution of equations (quadratic in particular) and making mistakes in her arithmetic. I very much like the step-by-step display of your product. I think it got my daughter a better grade in the past semester.
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Thank you so much Algebrator, you saved me this year, I was afraid to fail at Algebra class, but u saved me with your step by step solving equations, am thankful.
R.B., Kentucky
My teacher recommended Algebrator when I fell behind due to an illness. I caught back up with the class within just a couple of days, and now I use the software to check my answers.
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The first time I used this tool I was surprised to see each and every step explained for each equation I entered. No other software I tried comes even close.
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