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This version of your algebra software is absolutely great! Thank you so much! It has helped me tremendously. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
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Be it Step by Step explanation for an equation or graphical representation, you get it all. I just love to use this due to the flexibility it provides while studying.
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My son has used Algebrator through his high-school, and it seems he will be taking it to college as well (thanks for the free update, by the way). I really like the fact that I can depend on your company to constantly improve the software, rather than just making the sale and forgetting about the customers.
Merv Hass, PA
The newest release of your software is tremendous. Besides the GUI I particularly liked the "wizards" that make entry of geometry type problems so much easier. I haven't yet used the more advanced features (function operations etc), but this will become handy once I get into College Algebra.
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